
Gravitational redshift equation
Gravitational redshift equation

In addition to reproducing the measured properties of HR, the approach outlined in this paper allows direct calculation of the important parameters of our universe such as the average density of space and the acceleration of its apparent expansion. The observed HR can be attributed to the time dilation in the universe which remains stationary as predicted by Einstein in 1917. The analysis of Hubble redshift (HR) can be carried out using Einstein's general relativity and the law of conservation of energy. This value agrees within one standard deviation with 1998 observationsīy the Supernova Cosmology Project team. Higher order terms, the acceleration of this apparent expansion is


Taylor series around t = 0 and neglecting the Simulating the expansion of space, with the Hubble constant of this apparentĪfter expanding the Hubble "constant", H(t), into It follows from equation (2) or (3) equivalently, that the redshift, Narlikar and Arp and required by the law of Indicating that the spacetime is intrinsically flat as proposed by Time domain, named here tentatively H μν or We get a relation between the HTD in deep spaceĪnd it suggests the existence of antisymmetric part of Ricci tensor in The effect might be called Hubble Timeĭilation (HTD) in honor of its discoverer, and as distinguishedįrom the gravitational time dilation predicted by Einstein.Īfter differentiating the above equation at r = 0 Where τ is proper time in deep space and t isĬoordinate time at observer. Running slower at a distance from (any) observer according to relation Gravitation, EGR interpretation of the above result is that time is Time dilation and the curvature of space as the media controlling Since in Einstein's general relativity (EGR) there is nothing else but R E (meaning selecting a solution that makes Λ E and solving the equation with initial "Appendix A" at the end of this paper for step by step Relation between mass and energy ( mass = Energy / (force per unit length), which is identically equal toĭistance travelled by photons, can be written, using relativistic The linear density of Newtonian gravitational force acting on dust Λ E equal to the cosmological constant of Gravitational constant, ρ is density of dust, andĬ is speed of light (which makes accidentally Interaction between dust and photons of energy E and Gravitational energy acquired by the dust due to gravitational Of Hubble redshift (HR), including discovery that Hubble's constantĭepends on the distance between the place in deep space and the The relativistic interpretation of this result allows the derivation Transfer will manifest itself as a change in wavelength, which is

gravitational redshift equation

To the observer at some distance from the light source this energy With these assumptions one can readily calculate energy transfer from We will assume that energy conservation holds and that Newton's Let photons move through this dust interacting with it only Observed acceleration of the expansion, without the necessity ofĭerivation of Hubble constant of Einstein's universeĬonsider Einstein's homogeneous universe filled with dust. Theoretical values of important cosmological parameters such as Viable model, in which energy conservation holds, and also predicting

gravitational redshift equation

The expansion of space, including its acceleration,īecomes apparent and Einstein's universe regains its status as a To thus far unnoticed mechanism of time dilation coupled to theĬurvature of space. The observed Hubble redshift could be attributed It is shown that the observed features of Hubble redshift can beĮxplained in Einstein's universe within the framework of Einstein's

gravitational redshift equation

The Institute of Theoretical Physics of University of Warsaw, Unofficial PhD program supervised by prof.

Gravitational redshift equation